Summate Velocity™: Redefining the Ortho ASC Customer/Vendor Commercial Contract Phil SaylesJanuary 22, 2025Comment
Summate Announces First Commercial Deployment of Velocity At Surgical Hospital of Oklahoma. Phil SaylesJanuary 22, 2025Comment
Summate Announces Pilot for velocity Point of Use Scanning and Advanced cost analytics at Surgical Hospital of Oklahoma Phil SaylesMay 15, 2024Comment
Summate Velocity and the Velocity Data Portal is a Win for Everyone…. Phil SaylesMarch 27, 2024Comment
Accurate Cost Accounting in Hospitals and ASCs: Why Is the O.R. Missing?? Phil SaylesNovember 9, 2023Comment
Scan Ready Digital Sets and Trays Enable UDI Compliance and Prevent Inventory Divergence for Device Companies Phil SaylesOctober 7, 2023Comment
Bastiat, Electronic Health Record Software, and Healthcare Operations Efficiency, Quality and Patient Safety Phil SaylesJune 12, 2023Comment
How Orthopedic Set Mapping and Supply Chain Automation Solves Field Inventory Problems for OEM Device Companies Phil SaylesMay 18, 2022Comment
The Summate Trakker Scanning System and workflow revolutionizes Patient Safety in the O.R. Phil SaylesMay 10, 2022Comment
Settlement at Consumption: How Point Of Use Scanning Will Eliminate the Bill Only Mess for the Orthopedic Industry Phil SaylesMarch 26, 2022Comment
Digital Orthopedic Implant Trays Solve Huge Problems For Device Industry Phil SaylesMarch 17, 2022Comment
Applying Lean to the O.R.: Reducing Labor and Increasing Accuracy For Implant Documentation Phil SaylesMarch 7, 2022Comment